A recent caller to our Florida Veterans Support Line (FVSL) was in a rough spot. Family issues left him living in his truck and alone. He was feeling depressed and overwhelmed.
The Veteran Care Coordinator (VCC) who answered the phone let the Army Veteran on the other line know he was not alone. He could share his feelings in a safe space while the VCC worked to find resources like food, clothes, gas, and counseling.
Things were okay for a while, but soon the Veteran's life took another turn for the worse. This left the Veteran feeling lost, defeated, and in a very dark place. He began to break down mentally and reached out to the VCC in mental exhaustion. The Veteran said he felt “done” and was contemplating suicide.
The VCC empathized with the Veteran and reassured him that WE would work through this together. The Veteran promised not to take his life that night because of the bond that had been formed. The VCC called the Veteran first thing the following morning with a plan to fill up his gas tank and fill up his spirit!
Resources and other Veterans and organizations came to assist. The Veteran felt the connection to the pack again, was approved for an Emergency Solutions Grant, and found a place to move into!
When the Veteran called, he could not see a way out of his situation. He says he was within "inches" of considering taking his own life. But with the help of a FVSL Peer Support Specialist and connections to local resources, he was able to. The Veteran is now determined to pay it forward and help the next veteran in need.